Yep. I'm still here, still going with this perhaps ultimately pointless daily photo project. I have been trying my best but unfortunately there have been a few more missed days in the last couple of months, but I think I can still effectively achieve my aim of monitoring the changes to my face over a year...and who knows maybe I'll even carry on for another year or even ten come January.
Life is still plodding on, or in fact racing on apace. I've just had my first taste of one of the major teacherly holidays, and although it's back to school tomorrow it's only 7 weeks until the Christmas holidays! And it won't be long after that that I have to start looking for a new job for next year, and working out where that's going to seems a move to Manchester seems likely...
I shall leave it here for now, with only two months of the year to go, a lot has changed and there's still a lot to look forward to. And I shall make a new commitment to post my photo every day between now and the New Year.