Monday 31 May 2010

31st May 2010 - Day 151

And so we reach the end of another month. Quite a dramatic one, in terms of pictures of my face at least.

As you can see I've had my hair cut very short. This was something I'd been thinking about for a while, and having now lost a total of 3 stone in the last year I decided it was time for dramatic change.

Rather less flatteringly, I also had an allergic reaction to some antibiotics last week and you can see the effect it caused...although I do look rather more like I've been beaten up than anything else!

Oh, and it was my birthday this month too, and I finished my teacher training but I don't either of those things have affected my appearance much!

So there we have it. Five months of the year done. Nearly half way there. Next month might be a bit more challenging to keep the photos coming as I'm going to be in America for part of the time, but it should make for some interesting backdrops at least! Until next time....