Sunday, 31 October 2010

31st October 2010 - Day 304

Yep. I'm still here, still going with this perhaps ultimately pointless daily photo project. I have been trying my best but unfortunately there have been a few more missed days in the last couple of months, but I think I can still effectively achieve my aim of monitoring the changes to my face over a year...and who knows maybe I'll even carry on for another year or even ten come January.

Life is still plodding on, or in fact racing on apace. I've just had my first taste of one of the major teacherly holidays, and although it's back to school tomorrow it's only 7 weeks until the Christmas holidays! And it won't be long after that that I have to start looking for a new job for next year, and working out where that's going to seems a move to Manchester seems likely...

I shall leave it here for now, with only two months of the year to go, a lot has changed and there's still a lot to look forward to. And I shall make a new commitment to post my photo every day between now and the New Year.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

1st September 2010 - Day 244

OK, well, it's been a while...since I wrote a post at least. As you can see I've still being posting my (almost) daily photos of my head. I managed to post (or at least take) a photo every day through out my trip to America at the end of June, and even carried on whilst at a music festival. But unfortunately I was thwarted slightly by Scout camp at the beginning of August and during a few subsequent weekends spent with my new boyfriend(!). I blame him for distracting me...

Anyway, I'm back at school now; a real life teacher and I'm aiming to resume daily posts of my ever more weary teacher's face! Until next time, I bid you adieu.

Monday, 31 May 2010

31st May 2010 - Day 151

And so we reach the end of another month. Quite a dramatic one, in terms of pictures of my face at least.

As you can see I've had my hair cut very short. This was something I'd been thinking about for a while, and having now lost a total of 3 stone in the last year I decided it was time for dramatic change.

Rather less flatteringly, I also had an allergic reaction to some antibiotics last week and you can see the effect it caused...although I do look rather more like I've been beaten up than anything else!

Oh, and it was my birthday this month too, and I finished my teacher training but I don't either of those things have affected my appearance much!

So there we have it. Five months of the year done. Nearly half way there. Next month might be a bit more challenging to keep the photos coming as I'm going to be in America for part of the time, but it should make for some interesting backdrops at least! Until next time....

Friday, 30 April 2010

30th April 2010 - Day 120

Another month done, which means it's time for another update.

There's been a few changes in April too - on the 10th April we have 'Wedding Face' after having had my hair and make-up done for bridesmaid duties and then on the 14th April I had half my hair cut off, which I'd been wanting to do for ages but couldn't because of the wedding.

Also this month I noticed I have one weird droopy eyelid (see Wedding Face for evidence) which I'd never really noticed before. According to my brother he has the same thing, and we inherited it from our Grandma. I can't believe I've got to 31 without realising I probably look like I've had a stroke half the time! I knew this taking a photo of my face every day wasn't going to lead anywhere good...

So that's it for now, a quarter of the year gone already. By the time I write my next update at the end of May I'll be a year older (well, I'll have had a birthday - you know what I mean) and I'll have finished my teaching course and be into my two and a half month summer holiday. Frickin' awesome.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

31st March 2010 - Day 90

So here we are...three months in, a quarter of the year gone, 90 days of taking a photo of my face and uploading to the world wide web. I can't believe that so much of the year has gone already. I'm really quite pleased with myself for managing to get the photo up every day so far.

I reckon you can actually see my recent weight loss in my face now - definitely compared to the photos from the very beginning of the year anyway. There haven't really been any big revelations for me so far, but I'm enjoying doing this and looking forward to carrying on for the rest of the year. That said, I'm going away tomorrow and will be camping with my parents over the Easter weekend so I'm not sure what internet access will be like. I've then got my friend Claire's wedding the weekend after, which should make for an interesting 'bridesmaid face' photo at least.

Thanks to anyone who has been looking at this blog - it's interesting for me to do but I'm not quite sure what anyone else gets out of looking at my face. Not that I'm saying you're weird or anything....

I think I better leave it there - I'll update again at the end of next month.

Monday, 1 March 2010

1st March 2010 - Day 60

About time for a quick update I thought - seeing as I've now managed to keep this up for two whole months.

There have been a couple of days where I've nearly forgotten, most recently on 27th February when I was away on my friend Claire's hen weekend - hence the slightly drunk looking photo taken at about 11.30pm!

I'm still not really seeing any changes in my face - although I have noticed my hair is longer than I thought it was. And I'm fairly certain either my eyes or my ears are wonky because my glasses never seem to sit entirely straight.

That's about all for now I guess - my mental health is still pretty much in tact and I'll update again after another month of pictures of my head.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

31st January 2010 - Day 31

So here we are at the end of the first month. 31 pictures of my face which, despite having lost 11lbs since the first photo, doesn't seem to have changed at all. It's been fairly easy to keep this up so far but I'm going away to London for a few days next week which might be a bit trickier, and then the week after I'm back on placement in school and my life will get a whole lot busier.

Now I've only been doing this for a month - but check out this guy who took a photo of his face everyday for 6 years! I suppose once you've started it might get hard to stop...

I think I'll just stick with my goal of a year for now but you never know what's going to happen in the future.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

7th January 2010 - Day 7

I've made it to the end of the first week of photos which I thought deserved a quick entry on the blog. As far as I can tell I look pretty much the same everyday so far. All the photos have been taken using the webcam on my netbook (which unlike a normal camera takes mirror image pictures so my face is backwards!) They have all, with one exception, been taken in the same spot in my living room. The 5th January photo was taken in my university library because I happened to be there and had the computer with me.

So there week go; one week down, 51 to go. Only another 358 pictures of my face left to take! To be honest, I don't know how great an exercise this is going to be for my mental health - even looking at seven pictures of my head is a bit weird, I'm not sure how I'll feel when the numbers start increasing. Only one way to find out though I suppose....

Friday, 1 January 2010

1st January 2010 - Day 1

So here is the first in what will hopefully be a whole year of photographs. Every day I'm going to take a photo of my face and upload it to the Flickr account I've created for the job, and if all goes according to plan then the photos will appear on this blog. Lots of other people have done this before and I first saw it here, but I thought it would be an interesting thing to do; especially this year which will see me going from student through a couple of months off (and hopefully some travelling) to being a probationer teacher. It's a year of changes and should be an interesting one, for me if no-one else!

With the various bits of technology I own I should be able to upload the photo every day, if not I will certainly be able to take one every day even if I have to upload it later. I won't be editing the photos at all (other than to crop them) so you'll see me in all my unadulterated glory! The proof being in this first photo, in which I am a bit hungover after last nights Hogmany celebrations and my face is blocked up with some sort of sinusitis or allergy or something.

There we go; Day 1. I won't be blogging with every photo but there'll be a few entries as we go to keep you updated with progress. Here's hoping I manage to keep it up until we're heading into 2011.