Wednesday, 31 March 2010

31st March 2010 - Day 90

So here we are...three months in, a quarter of the year gone, 90 days of taking a photo of my face and uploading to the world wide web. I can't believe that so much of the year has gone already. I'm really quite pleased with myself for managing to get the photo up every day so far.

I reckon you can actually see my recent weight loss in my face now - definitely compared to the photos from the very beginning of the year anyway. There haven't really been any big revelations for me so far, but I'm enjoying doing this and looking forward to carrying on for the rest of the year. That said, I'm going away tomorrow and will be camping with my parents over the Easter weekend so I'm not sure what internet access will be like. I've then got my friend Claire's wedding the weekend after, which should make for an interesting 'bridesmaid face' photo at least.

Thanks to anyone who has been looking at this blog - it's interesting for me to do but I'm not quite sure what anyone else gets out of looking at my face. Not that I'm saying you're weird or anything....

I think I better leave it there - I'll update again at the end of next month.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're right. There's a definite different in your face, particularly round your chin. Good work.
